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Legend (WAJMasterPlan/WAJMasterPlanLayer)

Kingdom Boundaries (1)
Governorates Boundaries (2)
Localities Boundaries (3)
Liwaa Boundaries (4)
Villages Boundaries (5)
Regions Boundaries (6)
Municipalities Boundaries (7)
Qadaa Boundaries (8)
Irrigated Areas (10)
المزارع (11)
Evaboration Contours (13)
Precipitation Contours (14)
WAJMASTER.RainfallIsohytes (15)
DOS Census Neighborhoods (17)
Wells Desalination Units (19)
Water DESalination Plant (20)
Energy Sources (22)
Solar Solar
Wind Wind
Nuclear Nuclear
<all other values> <all other values>
Electric Power Stations (23)
Electricity Poles (24)
HighVoltage HighVoltage
MediumVoltage MediumVoltage
LowVoltage LowVoltage
<all other values> <all other values>
WAJMASTER.Faults (26)
WAJMASTER.Geology (27)
WAJMASTER.ProductionWells (29)
Well Well
Spring Spring
<all other values> <all other values>
Wellfields as Points (30)
WAJMASTER.WellFieldsAreas (31)
Unidentified Unidentified
Dam Dam
Desalination Desalination
Private Wells Private Wells
Spring Spring
Government Wells Government Wells
<all other values> <all other values>
WAJMASTER.Aquifers (32)
A1/A6 A1/A6
Basment Complex Basment Complex
Alluvium (Aquifer) Alluvium (Aquifer)
Basalt (Aquifer) Basalt (Aquifer)
B4/B5 (Aquifer) B4/B5 (Aquifer)
B3 (Aquitard) B3 (Aquitard)
A7/B2 (Aquifer) A7/B2 (Aquifer)
Khriem (Aquitard) Khriem (Aquitard)
Ram (Aquifer) Ram (Aquifer)
Zarqa (Z) (Aquifer) Zarqa (Z) (Aquifer)
Kurnub (K) (Aquifer) Kurnub (K) (Aquifer)
A1/A2 (Aquifer) A1/A2 (Aquifer)
A4 (Aquifer) A4 (Aquifer)
A5/A6 (Aquitard) A5/A6 (Aquitard)
A3 (Aquitard) A3 (Aquitard)
<all other values> <all other values>
WAJMASTER.BrackishExtent (33)
WAJMASTER.DeclineRates (35)
A7B2 WL 2040 (36)
Mining Sites (114)
Industrial Water Sources (113)
Mining Zones (112)
Inlet Structure (39)
Inlet Inlet
Outlet Outlet
<all other values> <all other values>
KAC Checkgates (40)
KAC Turnouts (41)
Water Carriers Structure (42)
2VentsConcreteSiphon 2VentsConcreteSiphon
RectangularConcreteFlume RectangularConcreteFlume
Siphon Siphon
<all other values> <all other values>
KAC Canal (43)
Development Areas (DA) (44)
Mining Sites (46)
Mining Zones (47)
Capital Investment Projects (49)
Cities (51)
Towns (52)
القرى الرئيسية (53)
Landmarks (54)
SecurityServices SecurityServices
EducationalServices EducationalServices
EntertainmentServices EntertainmentServices
ShoppingServices ShoppingServices
CulturalServices CulturalServices
TransportationServices TransportationServices
FuelServices FuelServices
Airports Airports
AgriculturalServices AgriculturalServices
TourismServices TourismServices
GovernmentServices GovernmentServices
CommercialServices CommercialServices
FoodServices FoodServices
MilitaryServices MilitaryServices
CivilDefenseServices CivilDefenseServices
FinancialServices FinancialServices
ReligiousServices ReligiousServices
IndustrialServices IndustrialServices
RefugeesCamps RefugeesCamps
Conservations Conservations
Parks Parks
Camps Camps
Archaeological sites Archaeological sites
HealthServices HealthServices
Others Others
PostOfficeServices PostOfficeServices
MuslimsCemetries MuslimsCemetries
NonMuslimsCemetries NonMuslimsCemetries
DrivingLicenses DrivingLicenses
<all other values> <all other values>
الشوارع (55)
رئيسي رئيسي
محلي محلي
اتوستراد اتوستراد
ترابي ترابي
فرعي فرعي
خدمات خدمات
غير معروف غير معروف
<all other values> <all other values>
Water Bodies (56)
LandCover (57)
RocksArea RocksArea
SandyArea SandyArea
BazaltArea BazaltArea
PlantationArea PlantationArea
MountainsArea MountainsArea
WetLands WetLands
UrbanAreas(Builtup) UrbanAreas(Builtup)
RainfedCereals RainfedCereals
IrrigatedArea IrrigatedArea
ChertPlain ChertPlain
MudFlat MudFlat
WadiAreas WadiAreas
Forests Forests
DevelopmentAreas DevelopmentAreas
<all other values> <all other values>
Water Controls (59)
Check Gates Check Gates
Wasteway Gates Wasteway Gates
WaterLevel Sensors WaterLevel Sensors
<all other values> <all other values>
Scada Sites (60)
WAJMASTER.Springs (62)
Dams (63)
RolledCompactedConcrete(RCC) RolledCompactedConcrete(RCC)
NonhomogeneousEarthfill NonhomogeneousEarthfill
HomogeneousEarthfillwithConcreteFace HomogeneousEarthfillwithConcreteFace
NonhomogeneousEarthfillwithRockforfrontFace NonhomogeneousEarthfillwithRockforfrontFace
RolledCompactedConcrete(RCC)/NonhomogeneousEarthfillforthetwoabutments RolledCompactedConcrete(RCC)/NonhomogeneousEarthfillforthetwoabutments
GravityConcrete GravityConcrete
Others Others
<all other values> <all other values>
Reservoirs (64)
Desert Dams (65)
Unidentified Unidentified
EarthenDam(سد ترابي) EarthenDam(سد ترابي)
ConcreteDam(سد خرساني) ConcreteDam(سد خرساني)
StoneDam(سد حجري) StoneDam(سد حجري)
RubbleDam(سد ركامي) RubbleDam(سد ركامي)
<all other values> <all other values>
Rivers (66)
WAJMASTER.SWSubBasins (67)
Dam Area (68)
RolledCompactedConcrete(RCC) RolledCompactedConcrete(RCC)
NonhomogeneousEarthfill NonhomogeneousEarthfill
HomogeneousEarthfillwithConcreteFace HomogeneousEarthfillwithConcreteFace
NonhomogeneousEarthfillwithRockforfrontFace NonhomogeneousEarthfillwithRockforfrontFace
RolledCompactedConcrete(RCC)/NonhomogeneousEarthfillforthetwoabutments RolledCompactedConcrete(RCC)/NonhomogeneousEarthfillforthetwoabutments
GravityConcrete GravityConcrete
Others Others
<all other values> <all other values>
Surface Water Main Drainage Basins Bounadries (69)
Rainfall Telemetry (71)
Rainfall Rainfall
Climate Climate
<all other values> <all other values>
Dams & Rivers Telemetry Stations (72)
DamsInflow/Ouflow DamsInflow/Ouflow
Dams Evaporation Dams Evaporation
Dams Seepage Dams Seepage
Rivers Rivers
Wadis Wadis
<all other values> <all other values>
Monitoring Wells (73)
Wadis (75)
Demand Centers (77)
Wastewater Companies Service Area (78)
Water Companies Service Area (79)
Water Systems Boundaries (80)
Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) (82)
Groundwater Recharge Distribution (83)
Natural Natural
Artificial Artificial
<all other values> <all other values>
WAJMASTER.Exports (87)
WAJMASTER.Imports (88)
WAJMASTER.ReusePipe (116)
Diversion Pipes (117)
Dead Sea Collector (118)
Water Conveyance Line (119)
WAJMASTER.wNLines (120)
Unkown Unkown
Transmission Main Transmission Main
Distribution Main Distribution Main
Production Production
<all other values> <all other values>
Water Pump Stations (121)
Source (such as a well) pump discharging into an elevated tank Source (such as a well) pump discharging into an elevated tank
Raw water pumping from a river or lake Raw water pumping from a river or lake
In-line booster pumping into an elevated tank In-line booster pumping into an elevated tank
High service pumping of finished water at high pressure High service pumping of finished water at high pressure
Distributed system booster without a storage tank in the piping system Distributed system booster without a storage tank in the piping system
<all other values> <all other values>
Waste Water Treatment Plants (97)
Tankers Tankers
Disposal Disposal
Pre-Treatment Pre-Treatment
MobileWWTP MobileWWTP
IndustrialWWTP IndustrialWWTP
BiogasWWTP BiogasWWTP
<all other values> <all other values>
Sewer Lifting Stations (98)
Waste Water Laterals (99)
Sewerage Gravity Main (100)
Saturated Zones (102)
Explotable Zones (103)
Dry Zones (104)
Confined Zones (105)
WAJMASTER.NonExpolitableZones (106)
WAJMASTER.VulnerabilityZones (107)
Low Low
Very Low Very Low
Moderate Moderate
High High
Very High Very High
<all other values> <all other values>
Hydo Zones (108)
Unconfined-Saturated (>200) Unconfined-Saturated (>200)
UnConfined-Unsaturated UnConfined-Unsaturated
HighSalinityAreas HighSalinityAreas
ExploitableAreas ExploitableAreas
DryAreas DryAreas
Dried-UpAreas Dried-UpAreas
Unfavorable Unfavorable
LowLiftAreas(<350) LowLiftAreas(<350)
NotExploitableAreas NotExploitableAreas
Confined-Saturated (>200) Confined-Saturated (>200)
Confined-Unsaturated Confined-Unsaturated
No-Drilling Zones No-Drilling Zones
<all other values> <all other values>
WAJMASTER.ProtectionZones (109)
<all other values> <all other values>
Heavy Metals Areas (110)
WAJMASTER.LiftPumpingZones (111)